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A place in the McGregor Valley with a difference

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A place in the McGregor Valley with a difference

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A place in the McGregor Valley with a difference

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Marc de Sauvignon Blanc (Small)


TANAGRA Marc de Sauvignon Blanc -
Vintage 2015

  • Made from Springfield Life from Stone Sauvignon Blanc pressed grapes in 2015 (directly from the press into our fermentation tanks to avoid any contamination)
  • Fermentation of grape skins (via attached fruit sugar) over a period of 2 – 3 weeks
  • Slow & careful double distillation with our combined pot/column still
  • Gradual dilution with water over a period of 3 – 4 months to bottling strength (43%)
  • Displays very clearly the mineralic, fresh and grassy character of Springfield’s Life from Stone. Intense orchard fruit. Velvety on palate to long mineral finish.
  • Number of bottles made: 900
  • 43% Alc.
  • Rating: Platter's 4 Stars
  • 500 ml bottle